Orders are shipped within 5 - 7 business Days after receiving full payment
Estimated delivery time: 20 – 35 Business Days(US)
North America
Estimated delivery time: 20 – 60 Business Days
Rest of the world
**Tracking may not be available for all shipments
**Please note: When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates. This is out of our control.
**If you ordered Multiple different items they may come in on separate shipments but still within the estimated delivery time, there is no additional shipping fee if this happens.
If you have any questions about your order, please contact:
Please include your order ID
If you would like to cancel your order please do so within 24 hours of your purchase. After, we may not be able to cancel your order depending on our processing department.
Returns/Exchanges/Cancellation can be directed to:
You will receive a response shortly. We thank you for your patience.